
This is the story of ultra running legend, Scott Jurek running the Appalachian Trail to try and set a fastest known time for running the entire length. It’s the story of how he tackles the challenge and how he rediscovers his motivation and love of competition.


He describes his epic adventure along the trail running 50miles a day and all the ups and downs of chasing a record. His wife is supporting him with a van along the journey so there’s lovely contributions and insights from her as well as lots of anecdotes from the support team.

I loved hearing about all the characters that joined the team to help with supporting and running and it was a real insight into what it takes to complete such a challenge. Not having a trail like this in the UK it was quite eye opening to read about the details of the trail, how it changed across the country and how good the facilities were along the trail. It inspired me to think about taking on some sort of adventure myself and how journeying from one place to another has a different excitement to it than just cycling round in a circle.

Reading about how such a prolific ultra running legend like Scott Jurek had to search for and rediscover his motivation was interesting and helped me to think about how I might handle myself the next time I’m searching for my mojo! Mainly it inspired me to think about the possibilities outside of triathlon and to try something different every now and again!