
Front Crawl Arm Timing

Improve your front crawl technique and swim faster with proper arm timing. Discover effective tips to elevate your swimming game.

Is Total Immersion Swimming Slow?

Total Immersion Swimming is often thought of as an approach that teaches people to swim slowly. But that’s just a misunderstanding! This coaching method is super effective for swimmers of all levels, whether you’re just starting out or competing at the highest...

Head Position Tips for Easier Front Crawl Swimming

Do you have sinky legs in front crawl? Do you get out of breath after a length or two? Or struggle through a few strokes? It’s probably because you’re not balanced and horizontal which could be because your head is in the wrong position.  Here are some tips on how to...

Simple tips to improve your front crawl swimming

Can you feel how your body is moving while you swim? Do you have any feel for the water or awareness of how you’re swimming? If not here are some tips to help improve your swimming.

Front Crawl Swim Set for Fun

I’m on easy training week so we did a fun front crawl swimming set this morning. It was very simple.  Swim 12 x 200m. And do something different for each repeat. FOR FUN!!!  You can obviously amend the distance to suit however much you want to swim This is what...