This week’s training involved a lovely FTP (functional threshold power) test on the bike. This is an all out 20min effort to get the highest average power possible.
In a sadistic sort of way I’ve been sort of looking forward to it for a while because it would be useful to see where I’m at. I’m feeling fairly strong so overall I’ve been feeling confident and positive about the test.
But then Saturday arrives. Along with a list of excuses and a very loud inner critic/chimp.
- I’m tired! I worked half the day and I deserve a rest.
- It’s cold out. And I’m cold.
- I’m tired! I didn’t sleep well.
- I’ve had a busy week and I need some down time (on the sofa).
- It’s dark! (It’s 1pm).
- I’ve got a busy day tomorrow so I need to conserve energy.
- I’m running out of time and it’ll get dark (….at about 5pm)
- The traffic will be bad on a Saturday afternoon
and it’s dangerous.
It’s starting to rain - The phone is ringing.
- I’ve still got loads of stuff to do.
- What if I’m shit?
My husband finally told me to just get it done. Stop thinking…..just train. And I reluctantly dragged myself out the house.
I really can’t believe how many excuses I had. How loud my inner chimp was, and how wimpish I was feeling before going out.
My best strategy for dealing with this crap is to acknowledge that’s mostly it’s crap and just thoughts that don’t need to be acted on. Sometimes it helps me to allow a 10min faff time but after that no more thinking – just train.
With a list of excuses like that who could have thought that I’d manage to pull an all time FTP pb out the bag!!! This is a great result for the time of year so I’m feeling really positive.
The down side is all my training zones will need to change…..and I’m a bit worried about how hard it will all be!