Apr 24, 2020
Like a lot of other people I’ve used the extra time I have during the lockdown to do some more training!! And with no pools open and no gyms I’ve ended up doing a bit more cycling on my turbo. And boom….week 1 and I’ve given myself my first lockdown injury. Saddle sore!
Mar 31, 2020
A while back I went to a yoga class for the first time in about 6 months. It was the first yoga class organised by my local triathlon club so we started at the beginning. So as yoga goes it wasn’t particularly demanding but it was definitely a good wake-up call for my brain and my body.
Dec 19, 2018
Just as I thought my knee was fixed and I made to a whole 25 minutes of running, my knee started to hurt again. I couldn’t run to the end of the road without pain and had to have the whole week off running.
Dec 3, 2018
Here are some reviews of the 3 books I’ve read in November: Fuelling the cycling revolution, The Line: Where sport and medicine collide, The boys in the boat